In celebration of the European Day of Languages we're delighted to announce six new podcasts in the One Minute languages series. You can now learn Catalan (web | iTunes), Danish (web | iTunes), French (web | iTunes), Japanese (web | iTunes), Mandarin (web | iTunes) and Romanian (web | iTunes) in a matter of minutes with our weekly episodes. And if you're aiming to be a real polyglot then you can tune in every day to a new language (with one day off to review everthing you've learned!) Catalan begins on Friday 26th September, Romanian on Saturday 27th, Mandarin on Monday 29th, Danish on Tuesday 30th, Japanese on Wednesday 1st October and French on Thursday 2nd.
M'agrada molt que comença amb es català :o)
Posted by: Lisa | September 26, 2008 at 11:08 AM
That is so generous of you. Thank you so much.
Posted by: maine it services | May 26, 2011 at 12:35 PM