I've recently written to all our subscribers about the plans to change some aspects of the Premium Membership of My Daily Phrase Italian. I've been working on this over the past couple of weeks and I'm very grateful to all our listeners for your feedback. I've now uploaded a sample version of the reworked weekly vocabulary sheet (for week 7 at the moment) to the feed. You can download directly from here (password and username required).
Given that the weekly notes basically covers the same as what would have been covered in daily notes (with smaller text!) I intend now to finalise the reworked version of MDP Italian. This will include:
• Normal mp3 podcasts as before
• Enhanced versions of the same for users with iPods / iTunes / QuickTime
• Weekly review podcast with vocab revision etc
• Weekly pdf guide to all content included in the week.
There's been a lot to do with MDP Italian and with our other podcasts, hence the slight delay this week. Apologies again for this, but by this evening everything will be fully up to date.
Needless to say, if any subscribers feel that the new range of materials does not match what they originally signed up for, then do let me know by emailing mark [at] radiolingua [dot] com. Given that the weekly pdf guide will contain pretty much everything the daily guide was containing I think that listeners are getting a bonus in the form of the enhanced podcasts. I hope listeners agree.
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